Siam University was founded in 1965 by the late Dr. Narong Mongkhonvanit as the first 3-year private engineering school in Thailand. It began by educating a student body of only two hundred, offering only one program, Mechanical Technical Power, which led to the equivalent of an associate’s degree (two-year) in the United States by virtue of the Thai Private School Act. In 1973 the Siam Technical College, was formally established as a private, higher education institution with the authorization to grant degrees. Soon after, in 1975, the university launched programs leading to a bachelors’ degree in Accounting, Marketing or Secretarial Science. Within those programs, students majored in banking, finance, personnel management or marketing. Later, in 1986, Siam Technical College became Siam Technical University, and three years later became ‘Siam University’ to show diversity in fields of study. Over nearly five decades of steady growth and development, driven by a devotion to academic excellence, Siam University has contributed more than 60,000 graduates in various fields to Thailand’s national work force as well as other countries around the world. In fact, it has become the fifth largest private university with a student body containing over 15,000 students across eight schools, including an International and Graduate Program. The undergraduate schools include: Business Administration, Communication Arts, Engineering, Law, Liberal Arts, Nursing, and Science. The Graduate Program offers masters and doctoral degrees in the following: Business Administration, Communication Arts, Engineering, Educational Administration, Public Administration and Information Technology. For convenience, Siam University’s various programs and courses are often available in both day and evening classes.
In 1995 the international program was established, offering Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in International Business and International Hotel and Tourism Management. Currently there are over 400 students are enrolled in this program. With students from at least twelve nationalities, Siam University is ranked among Thailand’s top ten Universities for its population of International students by Thailand’s Commission of Higher Education, part of the Thai Ministry of Education.
Many of Siam’s faculty members have been carefully selected among qualified scholars who are native speakers of English from Europe and North America. This enhances the intercultural activities in which students can participate and enjoy. The University also offers its students opportunities to work and study abroad for valuable experiences. Siam is affiliated with more than twenty universities and institutions on four continents, including the Philippines and Japan. In addition, to gain insight into local Thai culture, student activities include various study visits to important heritage sites within the Kingdom of Thailand.